The Anatomy of Class 2024

The Anatomy of Class 2024

August 04, 2024

The Anatomy of Class 2024

By Robyn Gayle Dychiao, UPCM Class of 2024

Anatomy is the study of structure, of various parts coming together as a whole. The graduating UP College of Medicine Class of 2024 is no stranger to this; we’ve spent five years studying it. As we look back fondly on our medical school journey, we highlight our class’ diversity that makes us whole. Like parts of a human working together, our various personalities create a dynamic group that thrives in our collaborative work. Each individual contributes to the holistic identity of Class 2024.

The brain contains pertinent information for constantly processing ideas, solving problems, and guiding decisions. Most, if not all, members of Class 2024 are intellectual beings who are engrossed in our medical education. From the basic sciences to clinical studies, the knowledge we’ve gained over these years is incomparable. Beyond academics, many members of Class 2024 are well-informed in current events, meaningfully engaging in important conversations outside of the classroom. This wisdom makes us even better physicians, grounded in the realities of our future patients.

Skilled hands are not only amongst the future surgeons in the class. Inasmuch as medicine is an art as it is a science, many of us hold great potential in healing with our hands. These classmates are doers who always get the job done – all while excelling at that. From those who are talented in creating music, dance, and art as we competed in Tao Rin Pala and the Lantern Parade, to those who lend a helping hand for any batchmate in need, the various interpretations of skillful hands amidst Class 2024 represents the ability for us to make a positive impact through action and care.

They say that ‘the eyes are like windows to the soul’. Our batchmates hold gazes of genuine compassion, seeing our patients beyond their diagnosis and empathizing with their situations. Many classmates observe the feelings of those around them, and respond with utmost kindness. Thoughtful words of encouragement and sweet gestures bring joy to everyone that they come across. This quiet yet powerful presence brings to mind many members of Class 2024, who have shined a light for anyone they have had the fortune of meeting.

Then there are those who are confident and fearless; the voices of Class 2024 ringing through Calderon Hall and PGH to make our opinions heard. These individuals are funny and outgoing, adding some joie de vivre to the grueling journey – reminding us that despite challenging days, there is much to enjoy and savor in medical school. During the pandemic, there was a prevailing feeling of longing despite the physical isolation and emotional turmoil of going through med school alone. However, voices of our batch reverberated through Zoom screens. Through times apart, we learned to savor each moment we had with each other, because moments with friends are truly ephemeral, making it all the more priceless.

The members of Class 2024 remain steadfast in this journey because of our pillars of strength, our spine which has provided us stability during medical school. The faculty and staff of the UP College of Medicine have created a solid foundation for us to grow as physicians. Our families who serve as our sources of inspiration keep us going. Most importantly, our patients whom we owe the most to have strengthened our desire to serve. The challenges we’ve faced these past years were unprecedented, from massive shifts in learning from the books to the clinics, to a pandemic that brought the world to a standstill. Our support systems have truly been reliable strongholds through these changing times.

Indeed, the individuals who make up the UPCM Class of 2024 are distinct, but more importantly, adaptable, taking on multiple roles and various combinations of personalities in the different situations we face. Beyond our unique identities, we all ultimately share one beating heart — a deep love for the UP College of Medicine that has molded us into the physicians we are today, and an unwavering commitment to serve the Filipino people no matter where life takes us. This purpose is what gives life to the UPCM Class of 2024. Armed with a plethora of knowledge, a burning desire to serve, and the camaraderie we’ve built as a graduating class, we are undoubtedly set to forge our lasting legacies in the years to come.